Tuesday 22 September 2015

A Father's Heart

Today is that day. The last day for good morning kisses and early morning chats. The last day that I am able to be involved with your clothes, your hair, your shoes. I must admit that when we did the fitting it didn't look this good.  You are truly beautiful, you are going to make that man very happy.
For the first time ever I truly understand the term that you are more precious than gold and you will always be daddy's little girl.

Now I walked you down that passage, you seem both exited and anxious, to me it's just the valley of shadows. As we enter the room his face lights up, a smile paves the way, your eyes meet.  Then it happens, he bonds with you as quick as that.

Now that I have to let you go, I can feel my heart trembling, fighting with me blow by blow.

Into his arms you will go and at first you will be scared but I know that you will grow fonder of him every day and your memory of me will grow smaller day by day. That is the part I play and I did my part. I tended and cared for you as God told me to.

I know he will take care of you, after all he is your, Forever Dad.

Lots of Love, your kangaroo dad

Rugby World Cup